Signature Logo Design


Make a bold statement without saying a word with a Signature Logo from Nfuxion!

  • Custom designed artwork to your specifications
  • Choose from 3 design concepts
  • Up to 5 rounds of revisions until approved
  • Web and print-ready artwork files provided
  • Option to add a company symbol or custom branding guide

Customize the product to order    
  • *Add Company Symbol:

    *Add a Branding Guide:

Pay a 60% deposit per item


Design/Product Description

A signature logo is a company logo made up primarily of the name of the brand written in cursive hand lettering or calligraphy-style typography. This type of logo design is a great option for companies named after a person or for brands who are going for a softer, more personal look. Signature logos are typography logos composed of text and color. It serves as a self-explanatory image that people can use to connect with your brand. This informs the audience while giving them something to associate your brand and ideas with. The design professionals at Nfuxion Design Solutions can create your company, business, service, product, or organization a professional signature logo that helps you stand out from your competitors within your respective industry. Order a Custom Designed Signature Logo today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Your brand mark is more than just decor to make your brand assets and packaging pretty. It’s something that you can keep in your arsenal to improve brand engagement. It’s the first thing they see and invites them to learn more about a company’s goods and services.

There is more than one way for you to present yourself in the market. Getting more familiar with the different types of brand marks lets you widen your options, allowing you to figure out which one is the most appropriate for your business.

Wordmark Logo

The wordmark logo is a design that depicts the entirety of your business name. It lets your audience become more familiar with your full name, making this an excellent option for new companies. This design is used by big brands such as Coca-Cola and Google.

Lettermark Logo

Also known as monogram logos or initial logos, this design consists of a brand’s abridged name. This is done for businesses with long names or brands that want a visually concise identity. It is also a good choice for established companies that have been around for a while. 

Combination Mark Logo

The combination mark pairs both of the designs mentioned above. Balmain Paris and Adobe have some of the most recognizable combination mark logos today. This design helps introduce your brand more directly as it sets forth two varying versions of your identity at once. 

Brand Mark

Not every logo comes with text. Contrary to the designs we’ve discussed so far, a brand mark logo uses drawings as the brand’s identifier and nothing else. Famous companies like Starbucks and Apple put this style in use.

With each logo design order, you will receive up to 3 design concepts based on the information you provide in your logo design questionnaire. You will be able to choose from one of the design concepts, or you can choose individual design elements from each concept, and we will construct a final logo based on these selected elements. 

Your Signature logo design includes up to 5 rounds of revision until you have approved the final logo design. Once you have approved the logo, we will finalize the logo for final output of the artwork files.

Once the artwork is finalized, you will receive the following graphic artwork files in high-resolution and web-resolution in the following formats:

  • JPEG
  • PNG (Transparent)
  • PDF (Transparent)
  • EPS (Vector)
  • Ai (Vector)

All graphic files will have a transparent background with the exception of the JPEG files. JPEG files are typically placed on a white or black background.

After we have received your logo design questionnaire, we will begin production on your signature logo design the next business day. Depending on the complexity of the design, the logo design process may take between 5-7 business days. 

If you require design revisions to the logo AFTER the logo artwork has been finalized, each round of revisions is a charge of $75.00 per request. 

You can think of a Company Symbol or Emblem as a simple element of your logo that instantly catches the eye without the need to showcase a more elaborate version of your logo.

For example, think of McDonald’s. The company symbol or emblem for McDonald’s would be the “M” also known as the golden arches. When you see this “M” or the golden arches, you instantly know this to be McDonald’s without having to see the actual text of “McDonald’s” spelled out. These are great for social profile photos and other places where you want to establish brand recognition without having to use a larger, or bigger version of your company’s logo.
